

Saturday, March 2, 2013

"I'm Back" (Terminator)

Well after aout a year or two and completly forgetting I even had this blog I found it looking for something, can't remeber what it was so who cares but anyway, Since the last post we moved I havn't really worked on the Walker at all. I have however decided to start off smaller well actually bigger by making a monsterous 1:16 model PT Boat, just to dip my toes into the world of scratchbuilding.

                                                        Just a PIC of where Walker is.
Here are some shots of the drawings for the PT Boat.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

So Far

So far I have aquired hull lines for the USS John Ford not Walker but one of her many sister ships hull lines and since they are the same they shall work just fine for builing Walker, I then blew the hull lines up to a 1/72 scale so I would have more room on the deck when I start fitting her out, I then took the lines and made a whole bunch of copies then glued them to a sheet of plywood, then I cut out the pieces and sanded them down to the lines on the paper, then I had to get a keel so i copied the keel lines and glued all of them together and now I have a keel and the hull contour lines so now I need to put them together and I have the skeleton of a ship, after that I need to find a way to cover it so that remains the challenge.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Contest

After reading the Destroyermen series written by Taylor Anderson, I saw there was a contest on his website to build some of the ships in the series (http://www.taylorandersonauthor.com/), there are two categories, Scratch Built: blueprints only, no kits, the prize is every book released up to that date hardback and signed, Model Built: Walker or Mahan the winner will receive two signed hardback copies of the most recent books. I decided to participate in the scratch built contest as it seemed to be the funnest and the most beneficial.